Upper Room -Cassette Installation

Upper Room -Cassette Installation
We were approached again by the lovely Jon at #StMarysCheadleParish to replace some existing cassette units for all new. These news systems would provide heating as well as cooling into the rooms.

We were installing 3 brand new cassette units into 3 different rooms on site, whilst decommissioning the old systems and disposing of.
We installed x 3 Mitsubishi FDT71VG indoor evaporator with an FDC71VNP outdoor condenser from the heavy industries range.
Early start on site to get all of the equipment into their required locations on the roof.

Once the outdoors had been placed in their required locations and the old systems disconnected the work inside could begin.
Removal of the old cassettes was well under way

The team began with disconnecting and removing all of the old cassettes and positing all new brackets in new locations for the new units to be secured.

Once all units were fixed into place the team could begin running the pipe work. The touch pad controllers were installed for each unit.
Time to start on the roof
*But first a brew*
The team secured the the outdoor condensers on wall brackets as the flat roof was not suitable to mount directly on to.
The upper room now had two new systems providing heating for all the activities for the local Cheadle community to enjoy :)
Check out the great work that #StMaryscheadle do for the community.
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